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Don’t shoot the messenger!

We are all Julian Assange!

The U.S. Justice department asked the UK for permission

to extradite Julian Assange to the U.S., for trial under the

Espionage Act, for having revealed secret documents which

expose U.S. war crimes (maximum sentence of 175 years

in prison). On December 10th 2021, the High Court granted

that permission.  Julian's lawyers appealed to the UK

Supreme Court but on March 14th, 2022, it rejected the

appeal and on June 17 the UK Home Secretary signed

the extradition papers. Julian's legal team has filed one last

appeal; ON FEBRUARY 20-21 the UK High Court

held a hearing to decide if this final appeal merits

consideration, thus reopening the case. Their

decision is expected in April 2024 or later.

NOTE: The people who committed the war crimes, many of

whom officials and politicians, are not facing prosecution

and prison. Indeed, their wrong-doing is not even being

investigated. Only the messenger faces penal prosecution.


What can we do here in Italy


 to support Julian Assange? 



1. View these photos of our local

solidarity demo on Oct. 20th outside

the British Embassy in Rome, at Porta

Pia. There were 57 other demostrations in

solidarity with the main demonstration in

London outside the High Court. For the

pictures of the Rome demo click here.


2. In addition, we can:

(a.) Write a Letter to the editor of a newspaper of

your choice, asking for Julian to be set free. Here is

an example of what you could say in your own words

in a letter to a media outlet: click here.

(b.) Join the U.S.-based Assange Defense Committee

(co-chairs: Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Daniel

Ellsberg); they will offer other suggestins for a letter

and, in addition, indicate media to contact: see here.

(c.) Sign the petition asking Biden to drop the charges.

(d.) Make comments in support of Julian on social

media, joining up with these groups on the web to

create a buzz: Action4Assange, NYC Free

Assange, Brits for Assange, Italiani per Assange,

#DropTheCharges, FreeAssangeIT.

(e.) Here are even more initiatives you can take:

Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign.




3. Read this article:

Below is an article we published in the on-line journal

PeaceLink using the talking points mentioned in

point 2. a. above:


IN ENGLISH:     The debacle in Afghanistan shows that

Assange should have been listened to, not criminalized.

IN ITALIANO: La debacle in Afghanistan mostra che avrem-

mo dovuto ascoltare, non criminalizzare, Julian Assange.



For those of you who know Italian:


4. Watch this TV special:



GIORNALISMO", RAI3 PresaDiretta con

Riccardo Iacona, lunedì 30 agosto 21.20:

"Se viene imprigionato chi rivela

documenti segreti, scottanti per il

potere, addio al nostro diritto

all’informazione." (RaiPlay qui)


And read the book behind it

(now published in English):

Original in Italian:

(clicca qui)

La persecuzione di Julian Assange

spiegata dalla giornalista

Stefania Maurizi (Fatto Quotidiano).


English version

(click here)

Julian Assange’s persecution

as explained by the journalist

Stefania Maurizi (Fatto Quotidiano).



5. Listen to these two clips!

The first is a great commentary on the Assange

case by two TV talking heads, the progressive

Rachel  Maddow (MSNB) and the conservative

Tucker Carlson (Fox):

And here is one of the second best explanations of

the Assange case, a short audio commentary by the

Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone, read by Tim Foley:




Past events

to support Julian.


On October 26th 2021, in the Press Room of the

lower house of the Italian Parliament, eight U.S., UK

and Italian personalities discussed the Assange case

and, in particular, how granting the extradition

request would risk making the U.S. and the UK

judicial systems resemble the infamous Inquisition.

For the complete program of the event, moderated by

the RAI - TV anchor and investigative journalist Riccardo

Iacona, click here.


To see the video of the entire event, click here.


Alternatively, you can see JUST the contributions

in English, presented individually (so you can take your

pick).  Under each video is the transcription of the audio.

 Click here







September 28, 2021, was the International Day

for Universal Access to Information (or Right to

Know Day) – #AccessToInfoDay, #RightToKnow.


That day in Rome, activists consigned a letter to

the President of the European Commission,

Ursula von der Leyen, asking her to put pressure

on the UK (and on the U.S.) to free Julian

Assange, to reject (or withdraw) the request for

his extradition, and to stop persecuting him.

Otherwise the EU should consider sanctioning the

U.S. and the UK, as it does other countries that

persecute journalists, violating their human rights.

Read  the letter to Ursula von der Leyen!

in ENGLISH: click here   in ITALIANO: click here

You can sign the letter to von der Leyen, too!

click here

Suggestions? Info? Write: