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The March for Science is the first step of a global movement to defend the vital role science plays in our health, safety, economies, and governments.

There are many reasons why people feel compelled to march for science. As YOU, the marchers, have told us over the past many months, science affects all people around the world, regardless of nationality or political party. As YOU have told us, scientific inquiry serves the common good, and it is the duty of all political leaders and policymakers to apply science in their decision-making.  As YOU have told us, we must emphasize a greater diversity of voices in science, broadening the questions we ask and ensuring that science benefits all communities around the world.  As YOU have told us, science is critical to our future – science protects our water and air, extends our lives and improves our health, protects our planet, and brings our imagination to life. As YOU have told us, it is up to the scientific community to engage our political leaders and policymakers and talk to them about the importance of science and evidence-based policies.

This conversation with all of YOU doesn’t end with April 22nd: it grows and becomes an ongoing dialogue on how we build an enduring movement committed to advancing science and its role in public life.

From the official web site