U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice - Rome Italy anti-war demonstration in Rome

Past Events

Solidarity with Bradley Manning
December 17, 2011

No to "war as usual"
March 19, 2010

Winter Soldier Europe
March 14, 2009

Palestinian Flags Flutter
Alongside Peace Banners

January 17, 2009

Close Guantanamo Now!
January 17, 1009

10-Day Vigil for Gaza
January 8-18, 2009

Supporting La'Onf
October 29, 2008

Free the Cuban 5
Sept 13, 2008

Cheney in Chains
Sept 8, 2008

No Bush, No War
June 11, 2008

May Day ILWU Solidarity Action
May 1, 2008

War Tax Day
April 15, 2008

World Social Forum Global Day of Action
Jan 26, 2008

Shut Down Guantánamo Now!
Jan 11, 2008

No U.S. Military Base in Vicenza
Dec 15, 2007

Meeting Iranian Artists
Dec 05, 2007

End the War in Iraq, No War on Iran
Oct 27, 2007

Report on Final Days of No Dal Molin Festival in Vicenza, Italy
Sept 16, 2007

Camping for Peace in Vicenza, Italy
Sept 12, 2007

Impeach Them Both +
Judiciary Fax Blast

July 23, 2007

I-M-P-E-A-C-H !
April 28, 2007

4th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq
March 20, 2007

No Dal Molin, Vicenza, Italy
Feb 17, 2007

Congress: Act Now to End the War
Jan 27, 2007

No Military Bases, Vicenza, Italy
Dec 2, 2006

No War, No Cluster Bombs
Sept 23, 2006

Protest Calling for Cease-fire in Lebanon
July 26, 2006

Military Spending
Bean Poll

July 18, 2006

Stop the Escalation
in the Middle East

July 17, 2006

Refusing to Kill
July 06, 2006

Shailja Patel:
Poetry in Times
of War

July 05, 2006

Troops Home Fast
July 04, 2006

Italian Vote on
Military Missions

June 27, 2006

Peace Parade
June 02, 2006

Michael Uhl of
Veterans for Peace

April 29, 2006

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Hidden in Plain Sight

April 26, 2006

War Tax Day
April 15, 2006

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Hotel Palestine: Killing the Witness

April 12, 2006

National Anti-war Protest in Rome
March 18, 2006

Soldiers Against War
March 18, 2006

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Aristide and the Endless Revolution

March 15, 2006

Women (and men!) Say No To War
March 8, 2006

An Eyewitness Account of Post Katrina New Orleans
March 2, 2006

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Life and Debt

February 09, 2006

Vote to Renew Italian Mission in Iraq
February 09, 2006

Cindy Sheehan
February 06, 2006

NBC Today
Show Blitz

February 06, 2006

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
The Revolution Will
Not Be Televised

January 26, 2006

Cindy Sheehan
In Rome

January 18, 2006

Crimes & Lies:
with Dave Lindorff
and Maurizio Torrealta

January 13, 2006

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Peace Propaganda and
the Promised Land

January 12, 2006

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
The Oil Factor

December 15, 2005

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Plan Colombia

December 01, 2005

Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre
November 30, 2005

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series

November 17, 2005

Protest at U.S. Embassy: White Phosphorus in Fallujah
November 14, 2005

Control Arms Petition
at Piazza Chiesa Nuova

November 12, 2005

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Invisible Ballots

November 10, 2005

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
The Corporation

October 27, 2005

Movie Night:
Viva Zapatero

October 25, 2005

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Hidden Wars of
Desert Storm

October 13, 2005

Anti-war rally
at U.S. Embassy

Sept 24, 2005

USC4P&J Social
at the Beehive

June 22, 2005

Die-In with
Articolo 11
at Palazzo Chigi

June 21, 2005

Collecting Photos
with Control Arms

June 18, 2005

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series

June 16, 2005

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series

June 09, 2005

Eyes Wide Open
Film Series
Weapons of
Mass Deception

May 19, 2005

Vigil at Palazzo Chigi with Articolo 11
May 05, 2005

Vigil at Palazzo Chigi with Articolo 11
April 28, 2005

Vigil at Palazzo Chigi with Articolo 11
April 21, 2005

International Day of Protest
March 19, 2005

Congress: Act Now to End the War

versione italiana

On Saturday, January 27, 2007, we joined our voices with the hundreds of thousands who rallied in Washington DC to protest the presence of US troops in Iraq and to demand that the newly elected Congress refuse to fund the Bush administration's escalation of this war.

The protest took place in front of the US Embassy under sunny skies following the downpour of the previous night.

Two flyers, distributed to many motorists and passer-byers, were written in both English and Italian and denounced the deception and many lies of the Bush administration .

One of the flyers reported the UN and the Johns Hopkins Institute figures for the Iraqi dead and compared the number of Iraqi people killed in 2006 - 34,452 - to the population of the town of Ladispoli, whereas the number of dead since the start of the war - 650,000 - is equal to the populations of both Venice and Florence.

We also distributed a letter in both languages to the Premier, Romano Prodi, explaining that we, as citizens of the United States, oppose the expansion of the Vicenza US military base and feel that this leads inevitably to the complicity of the Italian government with present US policy.

As a denouncement of the flagrant abuse of human rights that characterizes the Guantanamo detention camp, a member of our group appeared in one of the notorious orange jumpsuits of the caged prisoners there.

The inhuman practice of torture was highlighted by a member who, in plain view atop a box, stood with outstretched arms and black hood in evocation of the photo circulated worldwide showing a torture victim in the Abu Ghraib prison.

Two black “death size" coffin-shaped posters were displayed indicating the number of US soldiers and Iraqi civilians whose lives have been lost since 2003. Throughout the two hours we stood in front of the Embassy, the names of the dead, both US and Iraqi, were read on the megaphone. Our Iranian friend Massoud read the Iraqi names. But many names remain to be read.

OPEN LETTER TO PRIME MINISTER, HON. ROMANO PRODI, regarding the expansion of the US military base in Vicenza.  

Hon. Romano Prodi,

The victory of the Unione at the recent elections offers the opportunity to abide by the opinion of the majority of Italians who opposed the past government which clearly served the interests and needs of a priviliged few in Italy.  

We, US citizens living in Rome, together with our fellow Americans in the US, had hoped we could count on the victory of the Unione for a wiser and more balanced political agenda and a more farsighted vision of History that reflects a commitment to counter the violent and aggressive policy professed by the Bush administration. Instead, the expansion of the military US bases on Italian soil   leads inevitably to complicity with the  present US political agenda.  

You have stated: "We will honor the  commitments already made". Which commitments? The ones made by the Berlusconi government against which the majority of Italians voted? We would have expected Mr. Berlusconi to make such a statement, had he won the elections, not you, Hon. Prime Minister.  

We therefore join the many protesters in Italy who dissent with  the direction you have taken to turn the Vicenza base into the largest US military base in Europe. We stand with all those in Italy, in the USA and in the rest of the world who demand  that their politicians work to end all forms of violence and allow their peoples to live in peace.    

PEACE, Hon. Prime Minister
USC4P&J, Rome
Jan. 24, 2007

Sabato 27 gennaio 2007, abbiamo unito le nostre voci a quelle di centinaia di migliaia di manifestanti a Washington che hanno protestato contro la presenza delle truppe in Iraq e hanno esatto che il Congresso recentemente eletto rifiuti di continuare a finanziare l’escalation di questa guerra.

La protesta ha avuto luogo davanti all’Ambasciata USA,sotto il sole, dopo gli scrosci della notte precedente.

Abbiamo distribuito due volantini a molti automobilisti e passanti in inglese e italiano in cui denunciavamo molte delle menzogne ed inganni dell’amministrazione Bush.

Un volantino riportava il numero dei morti in Iraq, rilevati dai rapporti delle N.U e dell’Istituto Johns Hopkins-34,452 uccisi nel 2006- e li paragonava alla popolazione di Ladispoli meno 30 sopravvissuti- mentre i 650,000 morti dall’inizio della guerra - equivalgono ad entrambe le popolazioni di Venezia e Firenze, senza alcun sopravvissuto

Abbiamo anche distribuito una lettera in ambedue le lingue al Presidente del Consiglio Romano Prodi in cui, quali cittadini statunitensi, esprimevamo la nostra opposizione all’ampliamento della base militare USA a Vicenza e il timore che essa inevitabilmente porti ad una situazione di complicita’ del governo italiano con la presente politica degli Stati Uniti.

In protesta contro il flagrante abuso di diritti umani perpetrato nel centro di detenzione a Guantanamo , una nostra socia indossava la famigerata uniforme arancione dei prigionieri tenuti in gabbie. La violazione dei diritti umani tramite tortura e’ stata enfatizzata da una socia che indossava un mantello e cappuccio neri, in piedi con le braccia aperte su uno scatolone, in chiara evocazione della foto che ha fatto il giro del mondo delle vittime della tortura nella prigione di Abu Graib.

Due manifesti neri in forma e grandezza naturali di bare recavano i numeri 3,069 di soldati USA morti e 650,000 cittadini iracheni che hanno perso la vita dall’inizio della guerra fino al 26 gennaio 2007.

Durante le due ore della nostra presenza davanti all’Ambasciata USA, i nomi dei morti, sia statunitensi che iracheni, sono stati letti incessantemente al megafono. Il nostro amico iraniano Massoud ha letto i nomi iracheni.

Ma molti nomi rimangono da leggere.

Lettera aperta all'On. Prodi dai CITTADINI STATUNITENSI PER LA PACE E LA GIUSTIZIA di Roma, riguardo l'ampliamento della base militare USA a Vicenza.  

Roma, 24 gennaio 2007  

On. Romano Prodi
Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri
Palazzo Chigi-Piazza Colonna
00187 Roma  

Egr. On. Romano Prodi, la vittoria dell'Unione alle recenti elezioni ha significato un'apertura verso la maggioranza degli Italiani contrari alla politica dello scorso governo dichiaratamente a favore degli interessi e delle esigenze di pochi privilegiati In Italia, come anche avviene negli USA. 

Noi  cittadini statunitensi residenti a Roma, unitamente ai nostri connazionali negli Stati Uniti, avevamo sperato di poter contare sulla vittoria dell'Unione per una politica più  saggia ed equilibrata, con una visione della Storia più lungimirante che mira a contrastare quella della violenza e dell'aggressione professata dall'amministrazione Bush. L'ampliamento di basi militari USA sul suolo italiano non può che significare complicità con l'attuale politica USA.  

Lei ha dichiarato: "Intendiamo mantenere gli impegni già presi".  Quali impegni? Quelli presi dal governo Berlusconi contro cui la maggioranza degli italiani ha votato? Se il Sig. Berlusconi avesse vinto le elezioni, avrebbe senz'altro fatto una simile affermazione, ma non ce la saremmo aspettata da Lei, On. Prodi.

Pertanto ci uniamo alle tante manifestazioni di dissenso programmate in Italia contro la via libera data dal Suo governo all'ampliamento della base USA di Vicenza, la più grande in Europa, e siamo solidali con tutti coloro che in Italia, negli USA,  e nel mondo esigono che i loro politici mettano fine ad ogni forma di violenza e permettano ai loro popoli di vivere in pace.

PEACE, Mr. Prime Minister
USC4P&J of Rome


See also

Open Letter to Prime Minister Romano Prodi

Lettera aperta a Presidente del Consiglio Romano Prodi

Mailing List

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Ongoing/Future Events

Our Eyes Wide Open Film Series is suspended; for further information click here.

Upshot of our Nov. 9th group discussion on current politics:

It wasn't the Russians that got us Trump. Or Comey. Or even the massive GOP election fraud. It was the DNC.*
*Dem National Committee

To learn how to stop the DNC from delivering us another Trump, read Autopsy: the Democratic Party in Crisis.

Photo of a school in Yemen bombed by Saudi Arabian jets supplied by the U.S. and fueled in the air by the U.S. Air Force. Tell Trump to STOP THIS CARNAGE, not fuel it! Click here.

Also participate in the CodePink email and/or phone initiative:

Click here to sign a petition, to put an end to the sanctions against Syria - their only effect is to take a terrible toll on the population, causing them to migrate! And click here to see the video by the Italian Committee to lift sanctions against Syria.

Iraq Deaths Estimator
Did someone tell you that U.S. military intervention in Iraq was over? Not true: we're at it again. This time the pretext to drop bombs is "curbing ISIS" (which was created by the U.S. in the first place, to overturn al-Malaki in Iraq and then Assad in Syria, and is now out of hand. Like what happened to "our" creature al Qaeda in Afghanistan). And the death toll continues to rise...
Write your senators and tell them: "Enough! U.S. out!! Iraq has shown it can curb ISIS by itself!"

Copyright © 2007 U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice - Rome, Italy